🤓 Git & Github Set Up
What is git?
Local version control system
What is github?
Online public repository
Setting up
Make sure that your operating system is updated!
- Install Git
Depending on your operating system you install or upgrade git differently, so follow the steps in the link below until you have an updated git version
Setting Up Git | The Odin Project
git --version
- Configure Git
git config --global user.name "Your Name"
git config --global user.email "yourname@example.com"
Set default branch to main
git config --global init.defaultBranch main
Enable colorful output
git config --global color.ui auto
See if you already have a SSH key
ls ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub
- Generate a SSH key
ssh-keygen -C <youremail>
When it prompts you for a location to save the generated key, just push Enter
Next, it will ask you for a password; enter one.
cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub
- Configure Github
After you created your github account, follow these steps:
- Copy that text from
to the end of your email address - Go to github.com/settings/ssh
- Click on the green button
New SSH key
- Fill in the Title with your computer name (
Macbook Pro
for instance) - Paste the key
- Finish by clicking on the Add SSH key green button.
Check that it worked
ssh -T git@github.com
Useful git commands
Introduction to Git | The Odin Project
Basic commands
Two ways to get a folder:
- Clone it
git clone
- Make your own folder
git init
Other useful commands
git status → tells you what is going on right now inside of your folder
git add → adds the file that you want to save. Changes start being tracked.
git commit → saves the file or files added. You also put a -m " " to put a message explaining your changes
git log → shows you all the commit history in the folder
gst → git status shortcut
git diff → You can see the differences between your last version and your current uncommited version
git add . → adds the whole folder with all the files that have been changed
Remote basically means somewhere else than your computer where you can save your work. It could be github or any other platform.
git remote -v tells us the links that any folder or file has
Fork is when you take a folder in github and you make a copy on your online profile. You do it online.
Clone means that you downloaded that folder into your computer
git clone + ssh key → you take the ssh key from your git hub profile and you use it to clone a repository to yout computer
Push is the command to save your work remotely
git push origin main → origin is the nickname of the github repo and main is the main branch
Pull brings the changes online to your computer to update the folder or file where you are working
git pull origin main
git reset HEAD → undoes last command